
The importance of a web of business

diseño de website
Many entrepreneurs and business people still wonder why have a website if your business does not depend on the on-line sales.

The importance of a web business, online store to sell products and/or services, or web site business is invaluable, especially to increase the presence and visibility of your company. This allows clients to interact directly with you to obtain information or make purchases quickly and without complications.

And currently, there are tools, step-by-step to create a free website or a free web, with your creator page, and adapted to mobile devices and, in many cases, it might work, of which we will discuss in a future installment.

What is the background?

Because of the importance of a web. While it is true that there are millions of web site business in all over the world, it is amazing that many entrepreneurs and business owners still do not have a website to represent them in the digital world

What is a venture?

It is an initiative innovative company whose goal is to get commercial benefits. Typically, a venture requires a lot of time, effort, and capital to start and maintain a venture. Entrepreneurs take the risk of starting a business with the hope to get some long-term returns.

Some examples of projects include:

  • a restaurant,
  • a franchise of a company,
  • a technology company, and
  • a firm of lawyers.

Entrepreneurs can also create social enterprises, such as nonprofit organizations or companies that offer a solution to a social problem. Entrepreneurship is a form of innovation that can contribute to the creation of new jobs, new technologies and services for the society.

Many entrepreneurs and business people still wonder why have a website if your business is not dependent on the online check-in. Precisely, the error is DO NOT UNDERSTAND that, while there is a channel of direct sales, it has a great impact on the long-term success. It is a vital tool for customer management and support center, and this in part has to do with the importance of a website, especially for small businesses.

posicionamiento en buscadores

Looks like I can help you to create more traffic your website

  • SEO – Actions that generate results
  • SEO content – Valuable content
  • Keywords – The key words in the search most effective
  • Paid Media – A pattern online that generates traffic, leads and billing.

Before you know how to create a website, it is important to understand the reasons that justify this investment. After all, What is the importance of a website for your business?

In a period in which the digital transformation facilitates the access to the cloud, do not have an online channel to communicate can be a serious error. And it is from here the importance of a web commercial and interactive. A site where the enterprises can increase their presence in the field of digital to support their commercial activities.

Even if you don't use it to sell, for example, your brand needs to be present in the digital environment, whether it is to build credibility or to facilitate the user experience when seeking information about your company.

All this, without the need to make large investments to have a business website beautiful, optimized and reliable. The importance of a web of business goes beyond having a list is a structure in the cloud.

You must have an optimization SEO right that we help our customers get when you manage a Google search. Even in this wave of the growth of the Networks, we have seen how wisely, entrepreneurs have turned to market and sell their products or services in social networks. 

I mean, the only site online that have contact with your audience is the networks. That's why the importance of a web commercial that being able to interact with your LEADS.

And I have no doubt that will work but is not the ideal condition for the growth of your enterprise. And this in spite of the efforts that have been doing the platforms for e-commerce tools from your own social network.

This is feasible if we take it as part of the growth of the venture to a company, the more formal where networks play a vital role for this growth, but with a role of content distribution and generation of traffic to my web site generated by a Google search

La importancia de una web de negocio
The Design of the website is multiplied by the pandemic.

And this is one of the main elements of importance of a web page: CREDIBILITY.

What do I need to create a web page for my business or venture?

  • A domain, server, hosting, content for your site and a design.
  • The domain is simply the name of your web site.
  • The server hosting is the platform in which the storage of this domain and makes it possible for other users to access it.
  • The content is the material that makes up the page; this can be developed through a platform known as CMS.
  • Finally, the design will determine how you will see your web site.

Reasons to have a web business

Build credibility 

The website is also a way to build credibility, and if you have a local business where you come to make it known, the digital transformation will help you to expand your dimensions, your spread, and with it, your credibility.

The user gets to understand who are the people behind the venture, the manner in which the operations are performed, in short, is a way of presenting the company. A web site well done sends the message of seriousness and concern for the minimum experience that the user can have with the service. And with a good SEO Optimization, we increase the chances that customers get when they do a search in Google.

In fact, many of us when we see any enterprise in any medium, digital or physical, the first thing we do is to generate a search in Google and if we find that you have a web site (thanks to an optimization SEO right), I'm sure that many of you think that this company has credibility and is serious. This in the first instance, just before you come to your web site, because this can generate a reaction against if the site does not meet with our expectations of perception.

In addition, the consumer may feel much more secure when you realize that this is a website well maintained. Especially for someone who still did not know the project, is a form of being present. Do a simple search in Google and your website is the first to appear? This means that we become an authority and reference in the area, giving more credibility to our company and making positive our digital transformation.

Otherwise, if you do not have a web page, I don't think that what you have to discard, because for something motivated them to search for them on web sites or search engines such as Google, but I am sure that it will take us to investigate a bit more to learn about entrepreneurship and all that it offers.

and this is the other important factor of having a website: TO BE ONLINE

Having a digital business card 

When we develop a web site, in reality we are creating a digital business card. This leads us to know more in depth the venture, who they are, what has been your trajectory for very short this is, what are its products and services, their prices or rates, where they are located, etc

It is a sea of information necessary to begin to know each other and look, until now I'm not talking about who I think buying on-line, nothing to do, I'm just in the process of research of this company or enterprise.

The idea is that potential customers can relate to and humanize the way that they see your company. A web site beautiful is as valuable as a business card in his time. 

It is the first point of contact and, as the expression goes, the first impression is, in fact, what is left. And as you will see later, we do a search in Google when we want to know more about a company.

Buscador de Google
Google has the largest volume of searches in the cloud

A bad web design, that take long to load and you give us a negative experience, they can end up turning away a potential client, and probably we will never know.

This presence leads me to the next point of importance to have a website: doI GET TO WHEN I LOOKING FOR?

The ease to be found 

A venture must also strive to appear on the market. There is No more space to hide in a scene of so much competition for the attention and the resources of the users. The first thing we do in our home or office is to search in google for almost everything that we need.

When you create a website, we are making it easier for a potential consumer to find multiple channels to contact and can continue your process of shopping, for example. 

And this point is of the utmost importance, merits of a work of marketing that goes beyond building a web business. And what does this mean? Therefore, you may have a business web-site that made it a while ago, that, that "competition is also there", and what can happen. 

And believe me, that happens a lot, when we do a search in Google with the words that should be related to my industry, it is that we don't appear on the first page or even more away from the second web page of the search engine. and why is this happening?

It is very simple, in most cases, those who design the web site of the business did not take into account the factors that affect so that this page is properly indexed and optimized for search engines.

What happens if the business website is not indexed manually? The robot of the search engine Google will get the website at any time and will place the information that you got probably without any strategy. Usually the robot takes the first few words of the paragraph that is achieved in the crawl. Sometimes it goes well, but in many cases can arise samples as the following:

Despite the fact that this example is indexed in a good position (12) within the browser to the search that was going on (bluetooth speaker), who took the robot as the information is not necessarily valuable to the one that was doing the quest, rather, it can be confusing.

And this example may be acceptable to the one who is doing the search, especially if you have some prior knowledge of what you are looking for, but many times we get with search results that are meaningless.

It is not enough to have a web page, which was the starting point of this writing, but that this web site business must be good, well built, and your content is valuable and relevant to potential customers that are looking for products or services that they provide.

The SEO optimization is a key tool for the organic results that are generated in the Google search are favorable for our enterprise. And when I refer to organic results know that I am referring to results by that I'm not generating a payment to have it.

Each day the SEO is taking more importance among businesses and entrepreneurs

Have you ever thought that you lose a sale because the customer has not found a channel of contact to answer a question about a product or service? This can happen by not centralizing all information into a single address. In times of high competition, it is important not to let the client look for other options. 

Don't stop reading:

SEO in digital marketing: increase the visibility and traffic of your website

It is important that the uptake of the clients and their concerns are centralised in a single site. Many times we get lost when we use multiple tools to capture clients such as Social Media, email marketing, websites, online advertising and advertising and physical, in every action we have a point of contact other than:

  • Social Networks: Direct message or comment on the timeline
  • Email Marketing: E-Mail address which you submitted the information
  • Web Page: Contact form with email other than, Button, chat Whatsapp, call Button.
  • Online AdvertisingLink : Link to the web page, Link to other social network, without any link
  • Offline Advertising: Multiple points of contact, QR Code, a link-specific Address of the Local

Here is where we lose the effectiveness of the actions of marketing and advertising that we're doing. Maybe we're getting prospects but we realize relatively late (2 days) precisely because we would have to review multiple points of contact, and do not always have the time to do it.

All these elements make the web page in the only seller of the company that never sleeps, and here's the other important element to have a web page: A SELLER 24 HOURS

Online presence 24 hours 

Negocio 24 horas

When your business or enterprise has a web business, it means being present for the hearing, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you add a chatbot, for example, the user may have access even outside of the working hours of your team. This is a way of providing more comfort and improve the experience of each visitor. And it is here where he highlights the importance of a secure and reliable site.

The complement with this kind of tools it is true that we take to another level, as long as we are prepared to give follow-up to them. So soon, and it will be a breakthrough, that we have an optimized web and our LEADS you can get it in the search engines, and that you have some basic tool that connect with the company: a contact form, an e-executable e-mail, a button to access the chat of whatsapp, a call button, etc.

The good thing is that every day there are more tools that allow us to maintain a point of contact with them. It is important that this contact to be serviced as soon as possible. And on this topic we will talk about more in depth in a future installment.

To strengthen the brand 

A web site well-developed also becomes a way to strengthen your brand. The term known as Brand Awareness is improved by providing visitors with a positive experience in their pages. As we said, the credibility is just reinforcing with a quality website and this is reflected in the strength you have your branding in the market. 

Growth of Cafes and Shops
Every day most professional courses online

This generates something that we always like to get, the remembrance of our brand. This is something that a lot of times it's invisible, but it is of very high commercial value.

What is known as positioning in the mind of the consumer. It is not something that is easy to get to in this jungle of competitors every day fill in all the channels of communication and that is why it is very valuable to get it and keep it. It does not become a single achievement, and then forget it.

About this we will also talk about later.

Provide an excellent cost-benefit ratio 

In addition, the profitability is another attraction for your venture create a website that sell and connect. After all, it is not necessary to perform many financial investments in order to have a quality website. That way, even without prejudice to the budget, you can offer a satisfactory experience to the users and, at the same time, enjoy all the benefits listed above. 

The digital transformation of your enterprise does not have to be a painful process for your pocket. The important thing is that you can develop a web business that succeeds in connecting effectively with your current customers and new prospects.

But another of the fundamental aspects and that is another reason extra to weigh the importance of a web business: THE SITE IS YOURS WHILE YOU PAY

It is my center of operations, where I have the control

In general, the networks give us the opportunity to create our window of information or profile of companies so that we can take advantage of the reach that this social network can provide us, of course, thanks to the work that we need to run for this to become a reality.

Centro de negocios
Having a website is not a whim, it is an essential tool for any venture

But our information on these platforms will not necessarily be secure and stable, why?, good, because we depend on that social network and its functioning, rules and conditions. What I mean is that we are not completely free to do what we want in them, and the day that may not work, or are gone, our enterprise also disappears if this was the only site of connection with our customers.

Remember, you must have an optimization SEO right that we help our customers get when you manage a Google search.

That is why we should be very clear what is the main function of the social networks: Distribution of our content and generating traffic to qualified prospects.

If we focus on this functionality, I am sure that we will be more effective and efficient in the commercial field.

The website is our center of operations, which control the fullness and we always belongs and where we pay for the space and the domain we are using. 

How you're still not convinced? 

Thinking about it, I will give you more reasons that have to do with the digital transformation and its importance. Let's continue! 

How has grown to the Internet? 

The cloud is increasingly present in the everyday lives of Latin americans. Latin america is one of the regions with the highest growth in population of internet users in the last few years. 

In 2021, the penetration in Latin america grew by a massive 2658%. Currently, the penetration in Latin america in 2022 is in 75.6%: 10 points above the world average, according to Internet World Stats.

In general terms, the e-commerce and mobile navigation are the macro trends that will continue to lead the behaviors of purchase in the next few years.

For example, Americas Market Intelligence (AMI) projects that there will be an annual growth of electronic commerce, a 31 % until 2024, when the market will reach a volume of approximately US$611 billion.

By then, the marketplaces will account for 48 % of retail sales in the region (both online and offline), according to the forecasts of AMI. 

There is a lot of data that we can touch here to convince you about the importance of being connected.

Between the connecting devices most commonly used are: 

  • Smartphone: 71%; 
  • Laptop: 52%; 
  • Tablet: 41%; 
  • PC: 30%. 
  • The 14% of internet users made a purchase online, from interacting with online advertising. 
  • Do one last piece of information breathtaking? The users spend 31% of their time online on any social network, so the use of the Ads are an excellent option for increasing the conversion rate and achieve large flows of conversion. 

Why is being on the Internet? 

Ask the right question, in fact, is: "why your company is not yet in line?". With all of the numbers that we have expressed above, it is a mistake not to put your venture in the main channels of the network.

What your shop does not have the intention of selling online? There is No problem, however, is not a valid justification for not creating a web site and be present on digital platforms. 

This is the process that we do a lot of times when we're out on the street doing errands and we got something that we're interested in:

La Importancia de un website
My company in the digital devices

Let's imagine that a customer spent by your physical store, but had no time to stop and look at the products. The next day, he wanted to purchase an item that is one of your specialty, but the direction was a little far from home; I just wanted to have the security to find the shop open. How could I get this information? 

Did a Google search and, surprisingly, it did not appear any results. Not even showed a contact phone number in the search pages.

When in doubt, you went to the mall and bought the same product to your competitor. Have you ever thought of how many sales can be lost simply by not offering a reliable web site with the most important information about your company? 

More than a space to open a ecommerce, for example, having a website for business is essential for you to communicate with your target audience. What are the official channels of contact? What products are available in the catalog, or even, to the schedule and the address? Have this information collected on a web site, nice and reliable is an excellent way to strengthen the reputation of your brand. 

And if not wise, if you have a reliable web site, Google rewards us by giving a space in the search engine dedicated to your pages indexed it completely for free ( Google Profile, old My Business) and that you just have to keep it updated to make your prospects all the information that is needed to get to go visit her physically or Online

How can you help a company specialized? 

You don't always have the time or the knowledge to venture to design or develop a website.

Now it is possible to do, but you have to take the time and the proper knowledge of the tools that you need to be online. 

This is where we go to for advice understanding first that is what your business or venture is in need. Define the objectives and from there we all sat down to work on your project with your full participation.

In this way we can deliver a product in accordance with your needs and with the design and the tools that will help your business not only has a presence on the web but that is sufficiently attractive, fast, and optimized for stakeholders to connect with you. There lies the importance of a website for your business or venture

Contact us contact@innovame.com or chat with us +507-6250.5547 if you're interested in creating your website, or even if you want to perform SEO optimization of your website.

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