SEO in digital marketing: increase the visibility and traffic of your website

SEO en el marketing digital
Do you wonder what it means to SEO in digital marketing? Discover how this strategy can improve your online presence and increase traffic to your website

If you are interested in digital marketing and in the proper positioning with authority of your website, it is likely that you have heard of the SEO. But, What does it mean really?

The SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, it is a strategy used to improve the visibility of a website web the results in the search engines like Google.
Find out how SEO it can help you to increase the traffic to your site web and improve your online presence.

What is SEO in digital marketing?

The SEO in the digital marketing it is a strategy that is used to improving the visibility of a web site in the results of search engines such as Google and Bing. This is accomplished by optimizing the content of the site web and the structure of the same to make it easier to find and classify by search engines.

The final goal of SEO is to increase the traffic to a site web and improve their online presence by delivering results to searches that make the internet users about the topics related to your business.

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SEO en el marketing digital

The SEO digital marketing is an essential tool for any business that wants to succeed online. To improve the visibility of a website web in the search results, increases the probability that users will find and visit your site. The importance of being among the top 100 organic results of the 1st page of Google.

In addition, the SEO you can also improve the user experience by making the site more easy to navigate and find relevant information. In summary, the SEO it is a fundamental part of digital marketing and can make the difference between success and failure online.

In other words, your site web to achieve to be in the top of mind of the results on search engines such as Google.,
If we let aside the technicalities, we could say that position themselves on the internet is something similar to the market share that your company may have with respect to the competition, in this case the web.

For example, What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of toothpaste? It could be a brand, which you use, or even no, dental clinics, the grocery store where shopping, etc, Your response depends on multiple factors, such as: preferences, location, memories, and audio-visual stimuli.

What if you did the test with your site web? Think of a word to characterize what you do, preferably your products or your services, now type it in the search form. What figures in the results?, in what place?.

Data Zero Limit Web indicate that only in the first page, the top 5 organic results, representing 67.6% of all the clicks and the results from 6 to 10 account for only 3.73%.

In the case of toothpaste, What happens with the other 53,999,990 million results?,
It is here where we have the battle against the rest of the web they are competing with the same key words that are important for your business. What you think we should do? Coméntame which ideas will occur and how we can do it together

Identify the keywords that are relevant to your business.

One of the keys to the success of the SEO in digital marketing is to identify the keywords that are relevant to your business. These keywords are the terms that people use to find information related to your product or service in the search engines.

When you include these keywords in your content and in the structure of your site web, you will increase the likelihood that your site web appears on the top of search results when someone looks for information related to your business.
To identify relevant keywords, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Dinorank and Ahref.

Keywords o Palabras Claves

Once you've identified the keywords that are relevant to your business, it is important to use them strategically in your content and in the structure of your site web. This includes include the key words in the titles and descriptions of your pagesin the content of your blog posts and in the alternative text of your images.

It is also important to make sure that your site web is optimized for mobile devices and you have a loading speed quick, as these factors can also affect your ranking in the search results.

In addition, it is important to make sure that your site web keep content relevant and useful to the users, as this will help to improve the user experience and increase the traffic to your site.

Optimize your website for search engines.

One of the main strategies of SEO in digital marketing is optimize your site web for the search engines. This means to make sure that your site web have a clear structure and easy to navigate, include relevant keywords in the content and in the titles of the pages, and that you have internal and external links of high quality.

By doing this, the search engines can better understand the content of your site web and display it in relevant search results for your business. This will help to improve the traffic of your site web and increase the visibility of your business.

To optimize your site web for the search engines, there are several things that you can do. First, you have to make sure that your content is written in a language that is clear and concise. This means that you should avoid the use of complicated words and long sentences. It is also important to make sure that your content is well organized, with subheadings and short paragraphs for easy reading.

In addition, it is important to note that the SEO it is not a single task, but that is an ongoing process that requires updates and constant improvements. This is because the algorithms of search engines are constantly evolving and what works today may not work tomorrow.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the latest trends and practices SEO to make sure that your site web is always optimized and visible to your target audience. The SEO it is a key tool in digital marketing that will help you to improve the visibility and traffic of your site web, which will result in increased business opportunities and growth for your business.

Create quality content and relevant.

One of the keys to improving your online presence through the SEO in digital marketing is to create high-quality content relevant to your audience. This will not only attract more visitors to your site webbut that also will increase the likelihood that visitors will turn into potential customers or even customers.
Make sure your content is original, useful, and should be optimized with keywords that are relevant to your business. In addition, it considers the possibility of creating media content, such as videos and graphics, to make your site web more appealing and attractive to the visitors.

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Looks like I can help you to create more traffic your website

  • Professional Web Design. Digital platform of Quality
  • Positioning SEO – Actions that generate results
  • Content SEO – Valuable content
  • Keywords Research – The key words in the search most effective

This can help improve the traffic to and interaction with users. In addition, you can also use tools SEO to improve the positioning of your site web in the search engines.
This will help to increase the traffic and visibility of your site web. You can also use the tools of digital marketing to promote your site web in the social media, paid ads, email, and other channels.

Build quality links to your website.

Another way of improving your online presence through the SEO in digital marketing is to build quality links to your site web. The quality links are those that come from sites web relevant and high authority on your industry.

These links can improve the visibility of your site web in the search results and increase traffic to your site. To build quality links, consider the possibility of collaborating with other sites web in your industry, create quality content other sites web want to bindand to make sure that your site web is optimized for the search engines.

The link building is a technique of SEO to create or acquire external links to increase the visibility of a website web or blog.

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In summary, a strategy of link building effective must focus on creating quality content, perform a proper scope, take advantage of the opportunities of internal and external links, and collaborate with influencers and other sites web relevant in your niche. By combining these tactics, you can improve the SEO and the visibility of your site web.

Below are some strategies and effective tactics to build links:

  1. Creating quality content: The basis of any strategy of link building is to create content "link-worthy" or worthy of links. This means that the content should be relevant, useful, and high-quality to other sites web want to link to it.
  2. Outreach: Most of the tactics of link building effective involving the scope, that is when you put yourself in contact with people in your niche and present them with your content. You can do this via e-mail, social networking or even in person.
  3. Guest blogging: Write content as a guest on other platforms that are not your own is one of the strategies of link building most used and effective. Make sure your content is informative, entertaining and fun, and customize your way of communicating with the users.
  4. Broken link building: This strategy involves finding broken links relevant on other sites webcreate something similar to the resource is broken and then contact the owner of the site web to suggest that replace the broken link with yours.
  5. Internal links: Make sure that your internal links are relevant, useful, and high-quality for your users. Internal links are important for the SEO and the navigation of your site web, and can help to channel the authority of the page through to your site
  6. External links quality: Not all links are equal in terms of its value to the SEO. The links site web high quality and authority in your industry are much more valuable than links from sites web of poor quality or irrelevant. Make sure that the links pointing to your site web are acquired in a natural way and not manipulative.
  7. Marketing influencers: Collaborate with influencers in your niche can help you to get backlinks from high-quality and increase the visibility of your content.
  8. Lists and roundups: Participate in lists and roundups of links in your niche can be an effective way to get backlinks to your content

In summary, a strategy of link building effective must focus on creating quality content appropriate, take advantage of the opportunities of internal and external links, and collaborate with influencers and other sites web relevant in your niche. By combining these tactics, you can improve the SEO and the visibility of your site web

What is SERP?

SERP (Search Engine Results Page) it is the term used to refer to the results pages that appear in search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo! in response to a specific search for a user

The SERP may contain two types of results: the organic results and paid results. The organic results pages web that appear as a result of the search and who have not paid to appear in the first places. On the other hand, the paid results are those that have paid for to appear in the first places.

The SERP are unique to each user, whether that Google takes into account the browsing history of each user to provide custom results and highly relevant. In addition, the SERP may contain different types of features, such as fragments, highlights, images, videos, maps, among others.

To appear at the top of the SERP, it is necessary to apply strategies SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

SEO vs SEM: differences and similarities

The SEO and the SEM are two digital marketing strategies that seek to improve the positioning of the site web in the search results. However, there are important differences between these two channels.


The SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the technique of optimizing the site web to improve visibility in the organic search results. This means that there is not an economic investment to appear in the search results, and works primarily in the content of the site. The 3 main areas of the SEO they are: content, technical, and popularity. The goal is to improve the ranking of the site web of organic form to appear in the first positions of Google.


The SEM or Search Engine Marketing is also a technique of digital marketing focused on the search results. However, unlike the SEOthe SEM has a more focused advertising and payment. The SEM is based on an economic investment to appear in the sponsored search results, which are located in the first positions of Google and that are identified as ads.

Differences and similarities

The main difference between these two channels is the economic investment that is carried out in the SEM, compared to the absence of investment in the case of the SEO. Other important differences include the speed of the results, since the results of the investment in SEM are obtained immediately, while the SEO it is a technique of long-term. Summarizing the main differences and similarities between SEO and SEM:


  • Economic investment in SEM in front of not investing in SEO.
  • Immediacy in the results of SEM compared to the long-term strategy of the SEO.
  • The SEM allows you to literally buy the first position of Google, while the SEO requires work and effort to get a position first.


  • Both are strategies to improve the ranking in the search results.
  • Both aim to increase the traffic of the site web.
  • Both technical skills required for its successful implementation.

It is important to note that the most appropriate strategy will depend on the particular case of each site web and the economic situation of the company. In any case, the use of both techniques in a complementary way can be the most effective way to improve the ranking.

In summary, the SERP are the results pages that appear in the search engines in response to a specific search for a user. These websites may contain different types of results and features, and to appear in the first places, it is necessary to implement strategies SEO and SEM.

Qué es el SEO y cómo funciona para ser el nº1 en buscadores + [Guía SEO] - SERP 1024x538

Types of Searches are performed on Google

These are the types:

Organic search

The organic search results that appear in the browser without having paid for them. The organic results appear generally after the ads for that keyword within the search engine such as Google. To improve the SEO in the organic search, it should work on the optimization of the site web and in the creation of quality content.

Search paid

The search paid refers to the search results of a search engine such as Google, to change to pay for it. The results of a search paid are displayed at the top of the search results page and are identified with the term "advertisement". To improve the SEO in the search paid, it should work in the creation of ads that are relevant and engaging for the users.

Local search

Local search refers to search results that are displayed on Google when searching for information on business or local services. These results are displayed on a map and with information such as the address, phone number, hours of operation, and other relevant data. The local search results are important, especially for local businesses, as they improve the visibility on the search engines and attract more customers.

Brand search

Is that which arises when the user knows what they want to visit, but without knowing your address web. Are those that are performed through the name of brands, products, or specific web sites. This type of search will benefit the product or service that you are looking for, but will be indifferent to the rest. Approximately, represent 10% of the searches in total).

Search transactional

The search transaction are those that are performed to complete a transaction. Do not have to be directly sales, possibly as newsletter subscriptions, download resources, and any other type of leads. These searches involve another 10% of the searches in total, having a very high value for those sites destination fortunate.

Search information

We've arrived to the type of search more habitual! And is that 80% of searches, correspond with the information, that define those searches by the users try to find out, regardless of whether you are on your nearest book store, the course of digital marketing more recommended or the best way to cook an omelette. Are you search with a variable value, in function of the subject and the depth of the key words, but that give rise to opportunities as disparate as to generate traffic, discover brands, get links and get leads.

How does the Google search algorithm?

More or less, and roughly if you're looking for "digital marketing"for example, Google to see if your content speaks on digital marketing, if your site has authority for that matter, if the author of the article is an expert and if the word digital marketing is present in the title, the subtitle, and talk of it in the content. It is also capable of knowing if you use the jargon appropriate to talk about that topic.

In addition, if your content is good it is possible that it is cited by other web, so that in equality of conditions, those contents that are most cited better.

And finally Google's use of artificial intelligence to analyse how the user interacts with your content, that is why it is so important that your website loads fast and engage the user that you are looking for a content that we provide a differential value.

Factors of SEO

1 key Words. The SEO works with the keywords or keywords that you will use as a guide to the search engine to understand the content of a site web or category. These key words will have that relate to the topic of the page, otherwise the browser will not understand the information.

2 Reputation. The good reputation is generated when you begin to meet all the requirements that a search engine web requests to correctly position: quality content and original, differentiated, responsive to the demands of the users.

The links between pages web imported. When a page web contains links to another, it is usually a recommendation that indicates that the page web it contains good information. It is important that the links that you get are of high quality, and related sites.

3 Words in the links: The content matter. Therefore , the SEO handles to see if there is quality content and if it attracts and responds to users ' searches. If you get it then you'll see it as your chance to be # 1 is greater.

4 The authority: The search engines in mind the popularity of the web and, therefore, all the information that it contains. The more popular a site is web in a matter, they are considered to have the most relevant information. But it is important that you understand that if you have authority on Digital Marketing, hardly Google position for another type of content.

5 The importance of the web within the browser: This depends on several elements that make up the SEO on-page and SEO off page, elements of which we discuss below. For more information on factors of positioning, you can see the patents Google.

The SEO an essential part of a strategy of overall Digital Marketing that puts on a showcase of constant exposure to our main digital platform business, our page web.

Local search and SEO

With the increase in the number of local searches on search engines, it is necessary for companies to have a strategy of SEO local solid to appear in the first positions of search. A good strategy SEO local involves a set of techniques and strategies used to position a company in search engines for local searches that are relevant. This includes the optimization of the page web of the company for specific keywords of the location and the creation of an online presence strong.

Google My Business

An important part of SEO local is Google My Business (GMB), now Google Profilea tool that allows companies to create and manage their online presence on Google. Once verified the company, customers can view information such as the address, opening hours, phone number and feedback. In addition, you can also post photos and postings on the site of Google My Business to increase the visibility of the company.

Importance of consistency of data

Another important factor of the SEO local is the consistency of on-line data, which means that the information of the online business should be consistent across all platforms. This consistency includes the address, phone number and the category of the company, among other data. This helps to increase the authority of the company in line and to improve the ranking in the search engines for relevant searches.


The SEO local is crucial for businesses with a physical presence in a city or region in particular. By having a solid strategy of SEO local businesses can increase online visibility, and attract more customers in their local area. It is important to take into account the consistency of the data online and use Google My Business to increase the visibility in the local search engines.

Do digital marketing for a entrepreneurship or a company without considering the SEO, could have consequences that are widely known and usually ask:

  • Why is my web does not generate traffic?
  • Who are viewing my page web?
  • Why is my web does not generate contacts really interested in my products or services?

And with this many questions but...they have a page web well done is not enough to generate effective contacts for your business. There is to do but especially when each day is incorporate more competitors and that, sure, some are doing the right things to earn that authority and that visualization is so necessary.

They are actions that must be aligned and hand-in-hand. Digital marketing alone will not generate good results if your business is putting the effort in their digital assets. That's why the SEO it is essential to generate qualified prospects for your business. In the same way the SEO alone without the accompaniment of a Marketing strategy Digital solid and consistent with its objectives also give excellent results.

I invite you to consult, no commitments, and let's look together, that is what is failing in your business with the results of these getting.

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